Worry-free vacations in the Caribbean with a good sunscreen protection

But the reality is that before we begin to dream, we are already worrying about how to avoid compromising our health and our family on a holiday which are wholly directed to perform activities under an intense sun. 

The idea to travel to lush beaches, landscapes of the sea with breathtaking colors, sand of coral origin and a warm tropical sun, moves us quickly to an atmosphere of sighs that we would never stop.

So far to invite you to leave the delightful and cheerful idea to visit a destination of spectacular beaches and beachfront relax, we invite you to take preventive actions to ensure your overall health toghether with a vacation full of peace, fun and relaxation.


Tips for good sun protection

Choose the cream and level of appropriate sunscreen according to your skin type; but for Los Roques you should use at least SPF 30.

Even if you are more than used to wear SPF less than 30, no matter where, it is strongly advisable to use at least SPF 30 in Los Roques, remember, the sand in Los Roques is very white and it reflects sun rays

Be sure to use good sunscreen products, there are some products in the market that even say their protection is SPF 90 but people ends all red after using them.

Apply sunscreen before going out to the beach and at least 30 minutes before sun exposure.

In Los Roques, you need to remember some places of your skin that you are not used to protect with sunscreens: behind the ears, neck, behind the knees, ankles, feet...

Spread the cream on dry skin, apply a generous coat and be sure to not leave unprotected areas.

It is preferable to select water-resistant sunscreen to be able to perform in Los Roques fun water activities, free of worries.

Do not apply on the skin perfumes and colognes containing alcohol and plant essences, because they are photosensitive.

Use sunscreen even on cloudy days.

Avoid direct sunlight between 11 and 15 hours (prime time ultraviolet radiation).

Protect your head with a hat with a visor, eyes with proper lenses, and lips with lip balm.

It is not advisable to lie under the sun and stay motionless for hours. It is healthier to walk or do some exercise while taking sun.

Drink plenty of water or nonalcoholic fluids to avoid dehydration.

If you take any medications, consult the data sheet and see if they are photosensitive.

In children, the photoresist must be complete with high protection, ie, the SPF should not be less than 30.


Be sure to make every effort to comply to the letter all these recommendations and we guarantee the best of your trip to Los Roques, Venezuela.


heartDiscover more about this Caribbean paradise! We got a lot of information about Los Roques!, packages and deals, the posadas or hotels in Los Roques, what to do in Los Roques, islands and beaches and finally, tips and recommendations.

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