What exactly is a posada?

Unlike hotels, this guest houses have a limited number of rooms, in most cases not exceeding 15 or 20 rooms. In most cases, they operate in houses with no more than 2 floors and depending on the area where you can find them their services are reduced, but in these cases, accommodation prices also tend to be lower.

In Venezuela, posadas are a very common lodging option when taking a vacation and touring the country. In all the tourist regions of Venezuela there are several choices of posadas, being the most popular: Los Roques, Mérida and in general the Andes, La Gran Sabana, Canaima and Los Llanos, among other regions and cities.


heartDiscover more about this Caribbean paradise! We got a lot of information about Los Roques!, packages and deals, the posadas or hotels in Los Roques, what to do in Los Roques, islands and beaches and finally, tips and recommendations.

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